Achieving any goal, whether it is weight loss, running faster or getting stronger requires some form of sacrifice. Choosing to do thing A inherently means choosing not to do things B through Z at that moment. In the financial world, it is referred to as opportunity cost. Getting your workout in might mean sacrificing sleeping in. Hitting your macros for the day may require forgoing a seconds at dessert. Depending on how aggressive your goal is, you may have to sacrifice more or less.
When your goal is a top priority for you, however, that sacrifice does not feel burdensome at all. And it is at that point, when your goal is so important to you that any “hardship” feels completely worth the sacrifice, that is the point at which success happens. When you no longer accept excuses from yourself because taking the steps to reach your goal is just what you do and who you are now. There will be the inevitable slip ups along the way, but it is at this point that success is all but inevitable.