No matter how much you work out, if you don’t eat right, you’re not going to achieve the body you want. There was a time in my life that I was doing CrossFit five times a week, marathon training three times a week, and taking a horseback riding lesson once a week (getting a one-ton animal to do what you want with just your legs is a HUGE workout). That’s NINE workouts of an hour or more each week. I didn’t lose any weight during this time, although I certainly had some excess fat to lose. And that’s because I didn’t really watch what I ate. I ate mostly “healthy” foods, but I didn’t really regulate how much I ate. I didn’t even know how much I should have been eating. Working out is not a free pass for a poor diet. Working out is also not a punishment or some trial that you get rewarded for after with snacks. Don’t undo all your hard work!