I want you to take the time to think about all of the billions of tiny events that had to happen just so to make you who you are and bring you to where you are today. One little change in the past, and all of this would be different. What if your great great great great grandparents hadn’t met for some reason? What if a different sperm had won that race to the egg? Whether by crazy random happenstance or divine guidance, you are here, now. Do not let all of the effort that brought you to this time and place go to waste. You did not wake up today to just be mediocre. Go out there and be the very best version of you that you can be. If the very best you can do is getting out of bed and taking a shower, do that. If it means getting a new PR on your squat, do that. Whatever you do today, do it to the very best of your ability. Go out there and be your own hero!